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'A commission from Dina will give you goosebumps!'

Owning a bespoke work of art commissioned from award-winning and professional artist Dina Perejogina will give you goosebumps with excitement! Dina’s ability to paint exactly what you want provides the luxury of being able to capture a lasting memory of your pet, a favourite animal or other subject as a heart-warming object to enjoy now and as a future valuable heirloom to pass on down the generations.


You will choose the subject matter and jointly decide with Dina the size and colour scheme that meet your needs, the subject matter and the space where the painting will reside. Rarely is it possible to find exactly what you want on the high street; that ‘wow factor’ work of art for your home. A commissioned painting by Dina will achieve your own unique ‘wow factor’, rewarding you with an overwhelming feeling of excitement and a sense of complete satisfaction.

Value vs Costs


How do you establish the value of a unique, commissioned work of art? Rarity is arguably one of the most important factors in determining the value of things. As a painting commission is an entirely unique object - there can only ever be one in the world - this can positively influence its value. However, the true value of owning a commissioned item is your unparalleled emotional connection and passion for the subject matter.


It follows that agreeing an appropriate cost for a commission has to be fair to both parties. An artist’s time focussed on a bespoke commission reduces the time they can spend on other projects. Commissions are, by their very nature, one-off projects to meet the needs of a particular customer -  therefore the completed work of art has no further income opportunity for the artist in the form of e.g. selling open edition or limited edition prints. Depending on the nature of the commission required it could also take the artist in a new or different direction, thus making it more difficult to estimate up front the effort and cost involved in completing the commission. 

Time Spent


Dina’s preferred method of calculating cost for a commission is ‘time spent’. The customer and Dina agree before work starts to either:


  1. Set a maximum number of hours Dina will dedicate to the commission work, or

  2. Have no set maximum and allow Dina to finish the work to her detailed satisfaction.


Both options have pros and cons:


  1. Offers the customer cost certainty but the finished work may not reach Dina’s, or the customer’s desired quality of finish, and

  2. Offers Dina the freedom to choose the time to dedicate in achieving her desired detailed finish; however, it leaves the customer uncertain of how much the final cost will be.


Every customer is unique. Every commission is unique. It is also fair to say, therefore, that every customer and every commission will require a unique agreement to be reached between the parties before any work starts. This is best achieved through open discussion and a common understanding and respectful appreciation of needs from both sides.


Hourly Rate of Pay


The Artist’s Union of England (AUE) supports self-employed artists based in England, offering guidance and advice on various topics, including what it considers to be fair pay for artists’ labour. Dina isn’t currently an active member of the AUE; however, as an award-winning, professional artist with 10+ years experience she uses the Hourly Rates of Pay published by the AUE as the basis of her own. The latest AUE guidelines on Rates of Pay was published August 16th 2021. For an artist of Dina’s experience it recommends a pay rate of £35 per hour. This rate of pay does not include equipment costs (e.g. canvas, paint, varnish, brushes, stretcher bars etc.), shipping or insurance costs, or income tax or VAT where relevant - the rate of pay is for Dina’s time and effort only.


Example of Commission Cost Variables


Every customer and every commission are unique. The costs below (can be viewed on desktop site only) are illustrative examples of the labour costs only. Dina may choose to add other costs to the final cost of the commission to cover e.g. equipment costs and shipping and insurance costs.

                            EXAMPLE 1          EXAMPLE 2    EXAMPLE 3  

Size:                               X” x X”                           X" x X"                     X" x X"

Medium:                     Oil/Acrylic                Oil/Acrylic          Oil/Acrylic

Finish Level:             Less Detailed             Detailed                Finest Detail

Hours Spent:            30 hours                      100 hours                120+ hours

Labour Cost:          £1,050                               £3,500                         £5,600

Commission Timescales


Timescales will be discussed in the context of Dina’s other projects and will be an essential part of the discussion regarding the approach to be taken for the allocation of time for the commission. Where a commission may be needed for a date-specific occasion (e.g. a birthday, Christmas, wedding etc.) it is strongly advised to contact Dina as far in advance as possible to establish viable timescales. 

Commission Testimonials

Paddy Comission

'Paddy' | 48" x 44" | Acrylic on Canvas

Mark H | Florida | USA | 2021 


'Eva, my Lovely wife and life partner of 33 years, is an avid dog fancier in Palm Beach Florida of the United States. This hobby takes many many years of persistent dedication, studying and Love of a particular breed. Her favorite Dog Breed is the Majestic and Tenacious Kerry Blue Terrier originating in Ireland. We contacted the most successful and well known Breeder of Kerry Blue Terriers in Ireland: Edbrios Kerry Blue Terriers, and built a life long relationship to preserve the Kerry Blue Terrier. After over 17 years of striving for the ideal characteristics of the Loving and Exciting Kerry Blue Terrier “Paddy” was born. Paddy is arguably one of the most true to standard Kerry Blue Terriers that has been campaigned in the world. He is most certainly a Once in a Lifetime Dog! He is loved and enjoys traveling the United States to show off his Beauty and majestic Personality. To honor Paddy and Eva’s dedication I wanted to have created a work of art that is worthy of Paddy’s personality and the Kerry Blue Breed’s tradition and Commanding Eminence. I began the search after inheriting a Beautiful painting of a dog from my wife's friend in the Dog Show world. The signature on the painting was Perejogina! The artist captured the warmth and dedication and beauty of the dog and I decided to search for this talented painter. While searching I found that Ms Perejogina was a beautiful and accomplished artist from St Petersburg Russia that shared her soul and passion for life in through colors and canvas and the people that have her work are blessed to be able to appreciate it everyday. Although Ms Peregojina’s physical presence had passed; her passion and talent and love for creating art still lives in her daughter Dina Perejogina. After finding and witnessing Dina’s ability to place Life’s incredible detail and personality on canvas I began to communicate with her and approached her through her website. Dina’s gifted command of colors and the paint brush allows her to place God's living gifts onto canvas so that they bring out the characteristics of the subject and preserve those characteristics for us to admire and remember and touch the heart the way the life was meant. Although thousands of photos have been taken; none capture Paddy’s Essence as Dina’s Portrait. A picture is worth a thousand words….A Painting is worth a Lifetime. Paddy’s confidence and perfection will forever be able to be viewed and his personality will spark thoughts of Majesty! Dina...Thank you for sharing Paddy'

Munna Tiger

'Munna Tiger' | 30" x 30" | Acrylic on Canvas

Adam | Lincolnshire | UK | 2019


'I first met Munna from the back of an elephant in India in 2012. He had brought down a 1 ton buffalo during the night and was sitting with the carcass. He was in his prime then, a magnificent example of his species with his very distinctive 'cat' marking on his forehead. Sadly he passed away a year ago at the ripe old age of 19, long lived for a tiger. Dina has captured the very essence of Munna, right down to the last whisker and the battle scars on his nose. He looks almost like he could walk out of the canvas. I had seen another example of Dina's work and was extremely impressed with it. Munna was commissioned and I was, and still am, so pleased with the result. A photo is ok, but to have Munna on my wall and looking at me every day, especially as he is so detailed, is way better and a permanent reminder of that day. As an artist, Dina is astonishing. Her work is animals in particular is along there with the best. All I can really add is that Munna is magnificent and a picture of him on this web page cannot do him justice. All thanks to Dina's fantastic work!'

Grand Kyloe Bull

'Grand Kyloe Bull' | 84" x 54" | Acrylic on Canvas 

Lena C | Hampshire | UK | 2018


'My husband and I absolutely love our Grand Kylo. The colours and details are phenomenal. Kylo seems to glow when daylight lands on him. I commissioned the masterpiece for my husband’s birthday. I needed a massive artwork to fit over our fireplace. I came across one of Dina’s prints in a garden centre and I contacted her to see if I could buy a bigger size print. Instead, I commissioned a bespoke artwork. Dina regularly updated me on her progress. Yet the final piece still exceeded my expectations. My husband says Grand Kylo is the best present he has ever received and we regularly receive compliments from visitors. This is one of the best investment I have made.'

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If you are interested in commissioning a painting, please contact Dina Perejogina via our contact page

Please note that orders placed from abroad may need to pay customs tax when receiving items from the UK. Dina does not pay these customs charges so please check how much your custom charges will be before you place your order.

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